Review Committee

Head of the Committee
Name Contact
Dr.Awodun Aworeb – International Journal of Innovative Studies
1, Kodeso street, Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria. Email id:
Review Committee
Name Contact
Mr. Zeeshan Shah Senior Lecturer, Department of Multimedia and Communication, University College of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Dr. Samira Shahbazi Plant Protection & Biotechnology Research Group, Nuclear Agricultural Research School, Nuclear Science & Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), Iran
Dr. Belal Mahmoud Al-Wadi Lecturer, University of Dammam (Saudi Arabia), Founder & Vice President of the Jordanian Society for Business Entrepreneurship (Jordan)
Asim Gokhan YETGIN Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Dumlupinar University, Kutahya, TURKEY.
Dr. Riyad Abdel-Karim Awad Associate professor, Structural Engineering, An – Najah National University,Nablus, Palestine.
Prof. Dr. Emre TIMUR Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Geophysics
Tinaztepe Campus, 35160 Buca/Izmir TURKEY.
Dr. Ahmed Kadhim Hussein Assist. Prof., College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Babylon University, Babylon City, HIILA, IRAQ
AJENIKOKO, Ganiyu Adedayo Associate Professor, Department of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, P.M.B. 4000. Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
Dr. Moetaz Soubjaki Business Management Consultant, Professional Corporate Trainer, Speaker – Visiting Lecturer, Jinan University of Lebanon.